Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So, I got inspired to restart this blog and forgot about it until SubMat herself asked. Not that it's been that long since the last post, but a lot has happened in my life since that fateful day, 2ish weeks ago.

I graduated from college! That's right. Future social worker up in here. Holla! I finished the last of my little baby intern hours at the DV shelter and turned in the last of my paperwork. What a good feeling to come home and not have any other obligations. Speaking of obligations, Levi is turning 1 tomorrow. I'm celebrating by going out with the girls. He should be in bed by the time I leave, so I shouldn't feel guilty...but I do. We're having the real party at the inlaws this weekend.

Next, Little dude had surgery to remove his adenoids and granulation tissue around his P.E. tubes last week. He's just about recovered from that, however, his breath...that sweet little mouth that I would put my nose up to when he was 2 months old because it smelled so babylicious is gone! Instead, it's like he's got 'old man who eats garlic and garbage twice a day to ward off evil spirits and heart attack' breath.

For my next DIY project, I will attempt to brush his mouth with something the will remedy the stank. I also plan on vacuuming and putting the weeks laundry that's piled on the double chair away.

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