Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DIY decorating

Ok, so lately I've been looking at all of these frugal design, diy decorating websites. Some of the fun things that I've discovered are how to make roman shades out of miniblinds, how to make twine balls, you can mod podge ANYTHING, how to make a frame for a builder grade mirror, and that I need more money to be frugal.
Also, if you didn't know paint your things white because white is in. Paint everything white because it looks crisp and clean. Color looks out of place in a white room, so donate or re-purpose your colored items by making them different shades of white. I like white, so I'm not dissing it. I'm just saying it isn't a practical option for those of use with children or who have acquired more of their home furnishing via rummage sales and Target clearance end caps. Oh, and don't forget that time when we were home decorating and would hit up Hobby Lobby for cute decorative things only to realize that we aren't decoraters if we are buying all brown things.
I used to feel crafty and like I did a good job at decorating my house. Not since the frugal decorating world has exploded on blogspot and in my heart. I have brown dune colored walls that stop at an orange kitchen. I've always liked it until I found that my color chi may be off. It doesn't "flow". Oh well. It makes me happy.
This blog doesn't have a purpose, but maybe I can use it to enter sweepstakes on blogs of people who can tell me what I need to spray paint white.

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